Introducing the N-gauge model railroad layouts!

N gauge: N-Club International
The model railroad layout from N-Club International shows a double-track main line with motifs from southern Germany, Switzerland and Great Britain (Stonehenge) – fed by an operational station for quick train changes.
A single-track line branches off (the branch is a replica of “Zimmerschlag” near Böblingen) to “Kloster Blaubeuren”.
Operator: N-Club International, D-71120 Grafenau
System size: 12 x 8 m
N gauge: The Kinzigtalbahn
The railroad line from Hausach to Freudenstadt main station largely follows the river
Kinzig, which also lends its name to this route.
The name
“Black Forest transverse railroad” is used.
The single-track branch line is not electrified and provides an interesting route with several tunnels and ramps.
In addition to steam locomotives of the BR 38 and rail buses, the BR V100 with conversion coaches and the BR 627 were later at home on this line.
Some of the most beautiful motifs between Hausach and Schenkenzell have been recreated on 21 modules.
These include the Kinzig bridge before Schenkenzell, the ruins of Schenkenburg Castle, the old road underpass before Schenkenzell and Schenkenzell station as it was before 2004, with signal posts and a connection for loading gravel.
The other motifs are not correctly modeled on a prototype, but show the situations that occur frequently on this railroad line, such as sawmills, Raiffeisen warehouses and excursion pubs.
A small forest festival has also been recreated.
The first terminus is designed as a depot with engine shed, turntable and all the facilities required for a depot.
The second end section is an open, non-designed end, also equipped with a turntable.
To ensure safe operation between the end modules and the Schenkenzell station in between, an optical and acoustic display is installed in the respective control tables.
A special backdrop was created to give the modules, which are only 30 cm wide, more depth and more options for photographers.
Operator: MEC Stetten-Donau e.V., D-78570 Mühlheim an der Donau
System size: 12 x 8 m
N Gauge: Trains across America
The NTrak Swiss Division association is presenting an N-gauge layout with the theme of American railroads.
Popular themes are American harbors and rivers, cities and industry, deserts and canyons, prairies and agriculture.
Long American freight trains run on their tracks.
There is a lot of shunting activity on the local industrial tracks.
Operator: NTrak Swiss Divison, Switzerland-8037 Zurich
System size: 12 x 8 m
N scale: Small town with railroad station and depot
The N-gauge layout shows a 2-track line with a branching branch line that runs over a small industrial estate.
The focus is on the train depot with a turntable and a 10-stall engine shed.
The model railroad layout with the turntable is controlled by computer.
All 10 engine sheds can be opened and closed automatically.
The trains are mainly era IV and V models.
Operator: Modellbahnclub Hoyerswerda e.V., D-02977 Hoyerswerda
Layout size: 4 x 3 m